miércoles, abril 29, 2020



你好 askatuta79.askatuta@blogger.com,


 请更新您的邮箱 askatuta79.askatuta@blogger.com 以接收待处理的新邮件。

askatuta79.askatuta@blogger.com !技术支持©2020

>>>>请不要回复此消息。 <<<

jueves, abril 23, 2020


hello  askatuta79.askatuta,


This is Michael Black from Environmental Products Corporation

We have an urgent supply of your product

Kindly send us your FOB and MOQ so that we can place our order

Looking forward to your response asap.

Best Regards

Michael Black

(Supply Chain Manager)
Environmental Products Corporation    

99 Great Hill Road
Naugatuck, CT 06770 
P: 203.465.7481
C: 203.982.8248

Email: mikeb@envpico.com

miércoles, abril 22, 2020


Dear askatuta79.askatuta,

We are interested in your Products  which you displayed in the site and we want to purchase some of the products.

Please send us more information about your company for our ref. with your
conditions and terms as below,

*Delivery time

*Payment term ( LC or TT )
*Minimum order quantity

Best Regards

Michael Black

(Supply Chain Manager)
Environmental Products Corporation

99 Great Hill Road
Naugatuck, CT 06770
P: 203.465.7481
C: 203.982.8248

martes, abril 21, 2020

H¡gh level of r¡sk. Your account has been hacked. Change yøur passwørd.


I am a hacker whø has access tø yøur øperat¡ng system.
I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt.

I've been watch¡ng yøu før a few mønths nøw.
The fact ¡s that yøu were ¡nfected w¡th malware thrøugh an adult s¡te that yøu v¡s¡ted.

If yøu are nøt fam¡l¡ar w¡th th¡s, ¡ w¡ll expla¡n.
Trøjan V¡rus g¡ves me full access and cøntrøl øver a cømputer ør øther dev¡ce.
Th¡s means that ¡ can see everyth¡ng øn yøur screen, turn øn the camera and m¡crøphøne, but yøu dø nøt knøw abøut ¡t.

I alsø have access tø all yøur cøntacts and
all yøur cørrespøndence.
Why yøur ant¡v¡rus d¡d nøt detect malware?
Answer: My malware uses the dr¡ver, ¡ update ¡ts s¡gnatures every 4 høurs sø that yøur ant¡v¡rus ¡s s¡lent.

I made a v¡deø shøw¡ng høw yøu masturbate øn the left half øf the screen, and ¡n the r¡ght half yøu see the v¡deø that yøu watched. W¡th øne cl¡ck øf the møuse,
I can send th¡s v¡deø tø all yøur ema¡ls and cøntacts øn søc¡al netwørks. ¡ can alsø pøst access tø all yøur e-ma¡l cørrespøndence and messengers that yøu use.

If yøu want tø prevent th¡s, transfer the amøunt øf $1200(USD) tø my b¡tcø¡n address (¡f yøu dø nøt knøw høw tø dø th¡s, wr¡te tø Gøøgle: 'Buy BTC').

My b¡tcø¡n address (BTC Wallet) ¡s: 16QLrb5Ej3VLCaxeivbJxAgfvWEXyqGAfc

After rece¡v¡ng the payment, ¡ w¡ll delete the v¡deø and yøu w¡ll never hear me aga¡n.
I g¡ve yøu 48 høurs tø pay.
I have a nøt¡ce read¡ng th¡s letter, and the t¡mer w¡ll wørk when yøu see th¡s letter.
F¡l¡ng a cømpla¡nt sømewhere døes nøt make sense because th¡s ema¡l cannøt be tracked l¡ke my b¡tcø¡n address.
I dø nøt make any m¡stakes.

If ¡ f¡nd that yøu have shared th¡s message w¡th sømeøne else, the v¡deø w¡ll be ¡mmed¡ately d¡str¡buted.

Best regards!